My computer is loaded with a massive amount of porn. I have visited thousands of adult sites just this year. I know all the biggest and best networks, and can name pretty much any pornstar who ha shot a few scenes. I am not ashamed of that. Some people are into video games, comic books, cars, or guns. I’m into porn and consider myself an expert on the topic.
The thing is, I know so much of what is out there that I do sometimes start to feel overwhelmed by all the choices. When I ask myself what I am in the mood for, I can probably come up with at least a dozen different niches. At times like those, I head over to Tommys-Bookmarks, close my eyes and randomly click. I know that wherever the mouse lands, will lead me to something good. Tommy’s doesn’t list mediocre porn. When I did that today, I found myself visiting Anilos and fapping to the busty MILF pictured in this post.
A few days ago, Tommy’s led me to a collection of porn stories. I don’t usually read erotica, but it was a nice change of pace and I really enjoyed it at the the time.